


19 Dec: Dr. Quanhua Mu from HK PolyU visited us and delivered a departmental talk. 

17 Dec: The group attended the The 7th Symposium on Biophysics Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong at CityU. 

1-8 Dec: Mr. Runchen Xia stayed at the lab as a visiting student for one week. 


12 Nov: Prof. Rong Wang from Nanjing University and Dr. Kai Huang from Shenzhen Bay Laboratory visited us and delivered departmental talks. 

9-11 Nov: Xiangze and Fangke attended the Conference on Soft Matter: A Realm of Theory and Simulation (SMART,中國化學會2024年軟物質理論計算與模擬學術會議)  at Guangzhou.


11 Oct: Xiangze visited Great Bay University in Dongguan and gave a talk. 


We welcome our new group members Yiwen and Siqi who're officially joining us as Phd students. 


12-14 Aug: Xiangze attended "中国化学会2024年海峡两岸暨港澳高分子液晶态与超分子有序结构学术研讨会" and gave an invited talk. 


30 Jun- 1 Aug: Xiangze attended 2024 Joint Annual Conference of Physical Societies in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will take place in Macao and gave an invited talk.

We welcome our new group member Siqi to join our lab this summer, he will officially start his PhD study in the lab from this September. 


23-30 Jun: Xiangze attended the IUPAB2024 in Kyoto and enjoyed a wonderful city tour. 

15-18 Jun: Xiangze attended the 34th Chinese Chemistry Society Congress in Guangzhou and gave an oral presentation. 

Congrats to Xiangze for receiving the Dean's Award for Outstanding Achievement! Xiangze would like to take this opportunity to thank colleagues in the physics department for their supports. 


Congrats to Yiwen Gao, an incoming PhD student in the lab, for being awarded the Talent100 PhD Scholarship at HKBU. 


16 Apr: Prof. Wei Zhao from Shenzhen Institute of Synthetic Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences visited us and delivered a departmental talk entitled "Phase separation in modulation and de novo synthesis of cell asymmetric division". 


31 Mar - 2 Apr: Xiangze attended the 13th National Conference on Soft Matter and Biological Physics (第十三屆全國軟物質與生命物質物理學術會議) in Xi'an and gave an invited talk.


6 Jan:  We successfully held The 6th Symposium on Biophysics Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong at HK Baptist University. The symposium included one keynote talk by Prof. Yuji Sugita from RIKEN Japan, 7 invited talks, 5 student talks, and also a poster session. About 30 PG students from local universities including HKBU, CityU, CUHK, HKU and HKUST attended the event. We thank all the speakers, poster presenters for contributing to this symposium, and also the support from RGC and sponsorship from the Alpha Dynamics. [News Release]



6 Dec: Dr Hanlun Jiang from University of California, Berkeley, and Dr Fatima Pardo from Stanford University visited us. Dr Jiang gave us a wonderful departmental talk on protein design. 


24-26 Nov: Xiangze attended the 12th Symposium on Computations and Statistical Mechanics for Complex Systems (第十二屆復雜體係計算統計力學研討會) in Guangzhou and gave an invited talk.

We are going to host the 6th Symposium on Biophysics Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong on Jan 6th 2024 at HKBU, and details of the symposium can be found in


30 Oct: We have a new group member Wenwen joining us as RA. Welcome Wenwen!

Xiangze attended the 6th International Conference on Molecular Simulation at Taipei, Taiwan, and gave an invited talk. 


1 Sep: Welcome our first graduate student Fangke to join the lab!


25 Aug: Our group was awarded the Young Scientist Fund from National Natural Science Foundation of China. 

2-5 Aug: Xiangze gave a tutorial about intrinsically disordered proteins and a talk in the Hong Kong Satellite Meeting of StatPhys28.  


30 Jun: We learned that the lab was awarded the Early Career Scheme grant from the Research Grants Council in HK. That's the 1st funding the lab received!

19 Jun: Xiangze gave an invited talk in the Department of Physics, Fudan University.

15 Jun: Xiangze gave an invited talk in the School of Physics, Zhejiang University.

1 Jun: Xiangze gave an invited talk in the Department of Physics, Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Xiangze gave an invited talk in Shenzhen Institute of Synthetic Biology.


Xiangze gave an invited talk in the Conference of Physics of Living Matter 2023 at Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT), Shantou.


Xiangze officially started his Assistant Professor position in HKBU.