
Xiangze Zeng

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics

Email: xiangzezeng AT

Office: 921, Cha Chi-ming Science Tower, Ho Sin Hang Campus, HKBU

224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

Education & Professional Experiences 

Mar 2018- Dec 2022: Postdoc, Washington University in St. Louis (Advisor: Prof. Rohit V. Pappu). 

Sep 2013- Mar 2018:  PhD in Chemistry & Postdoc, HKUST (Advisor: Prof. Xuhui Huang)

Sep 2009- Jun 2013: BSc in Physics, Shandong University

Fangke Chen

Graduate Student, Sep 2023 -

BSc in Physics, Shandong University, 2023

Email: fangkechen AT 

Research: Phase separation of small molecules; Development of CG models for phase separation

Siqi Quan

Graduate Student, Sep 2024 - (Now working as a RA)

BSc , MSc in Chemistry, Lanzhou University, 2023

Email: QUANSQ-_ AT 

Research: Sequence-ensemble-function relationship of IDPs

Wenwen Leng

Research Assistant, Oct 2023 -

MSc in Applied Mathematics, Shenzhen University, 2023

Email: lww-phys AT

Research: Interactions and binding kinetics between IDPs and binding partner 

One more PhD students will join us in the summer of 2024!

Maybe you?

We're looking for PhD students who are interested in computational and theoretical studies of biomolecular systems. Please see Openings for more details.